Proper functioning of the respiratory system is the basis of speech apparatus. Breathe spray ensures the formation of voice, putting it and articulation of sounds. The speech is a function of the speech apparatus, which consists of three system organs: phonation / form voice /, expiratory / exhale / and articulatus / articulate/. Improvement of the functions of all these organs provide high levels of human’s pronunciation.
"The regulation of breathing is developed with the speech in the first years of life. Breathing begins to be change in response to sound, thinker and speech commands, so even with the first rational movements of children they can be taught in proper breathing by verbal instruction, as in terms of peace as in the performance of physical exercise. / Dancheva, D. Speech technology, PKI St. Evtimii Patriarch of Turnovo, Veliko Tarnovo, 2000 /
The next games developed muscles of the diaphragm, ribs and abdomen, develops volume and elasticity of the lungs.
The technique of survival is associated with the technique of speech. Breathing, singing, speech, feelings are intimately linked. Each sense has its own breathing.